Delamere Field Archers


We are a long established, Field Archery club with over 100 members of all ages and gender. We practice the sport of field archery at our rented woodland in Delamere Forest in the heart of rural Cheshire. 

We operate under the rules of the NFAS (National Field Archery Society).

Our members use a wide variety of bows, ranging from traditional English Long Bows to the modern 'compound' types.


Our membership is open to all ages and all ethnic groups. We particularly try to foster 'family' involvement.

During the year our members participate successfully in many Field Archery contests at club and national level up and down the country. We also host a number of open field archery competitions throughout the year.


Club members also take part in Roving Marks and Clout Shoots often using traditional equipment.

We owe our success to the dedication of groups of our members who give many hours each year to make and repair targets, lay the course and change targets on a regular basis to keep the course challenging and safe.  Also to the members who work hard behind the scenes organizing shoots and generally keeping the club going.  And finally, not forgetting the members who assist as marshals on shoot days and on workdays to tidy up and move targets etc.

Our name changed on 01MAY16 from South Cheshire Field Archers to Delamere Field Archers to reflect our actual location.